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Wise Man • 2 years ago

That was some seriously awesome countdown

Akira Tora-Kaen • 1 year ago


Sibazz • 2 years ago

Yare Yare Daze

Preston Tyler • 2 years ago

Like bro you’re an actual no life faggot

iLikeAnime • 2 years ago

Eyo, that's just fucking rude man. You have also watched 325+ episodes of Naruto Shippuuden, so you are a no life faggot, so be quiet and sit down you half eaten, boiled egg.

Onok De La Cruz • 7 months ago

Who the hell calls another man a "half eaten, boiled egg." though? What the hell? Grow some balls fkn sissy. You would call someone a "faggot" for watching 325+ episodes of an actual good anime that you were literally watching too whilst defending someone who watches that other anime where he got that Yara Yara Daze from. GTFO lmao

Onok De La Cruz • 7 months ago

I've actually been very fucking annoyed with that person too that I blocked him. You're an idiot if you don't understand how fucking stupid saying that Yara Yara bullshit on every damn episode is. You and the other people in the comments defending that idiot are soft, and should shut the fuck up. He doesn't need to comment that Yara bullshit on every damn episode. He's the kind of kid you wanna throw something at. Also, quit acting tough. saying "Eyo" and shit. You're an idiot too for defending him.

iLikeAnime • 7 months ago

Dude wrote 2 paragraphs for an argument that happened over 2 years ago, over a single phrase that the guy says on literally every other show. Actually forgot this ever happened. Besides what is wrong with what he's saying exactly? I see it pretty harmless and admired him doing it for every show that I found, I admit the way I wrote and spoke 2 years ago is pretty cringe and don't say stuff like that anymore. Drop it anyways, not worth fighting over.

Akira Tora-Kaen • 1 year ago

that wasn't nice

Silversoul • 2 years ago

Why you so mad

Kevin Sears • 4 months ago

Faggot: n. A bundle of small sticks and twigs used to start fires in fireplaces, able to heat a room quickly, so the slower burning logs can maintain that heat...
they were also used to make Besom Brooms, which these days are used decoratively or as witches brooms, as they're not nearly as efficient as modern brooms.

it does not, has not and never will have a meaning beyond this... despite how many elementary school kids try to give new perverse meanings to words they do not comprehend, as they are small children. what is worse, is that their mentally disabled parents (like you) take up these perversions of language and act as if its correct. Honestly, though, I'm not surprised, as most of your kind are incapable of passing a third grade class... I bet you can't even explain the relationship between global warming, ice ages, and the ocean currents... even though you should have been taught all of this, in one single classroom, in third grade, FOR A REASON as the lessons in science, history, and geography were intended to be ONE LESSON.

(for those who don't get what those 3 lessons are... global warming is real... not gonna say it isn't. but anyone who believes we can stop the sun from doing what its been doing ever since the 4th ice age is delusional. global warming is caused by the heat of the sun, NOT gasses... the oceans and forests maintain a 4.2-4.8 concentration of greenhouse gases. they haven't increased, because when they DO increase, plants grow more. and when they decrease, plants grow less... keeping the carbon cycle in a constant state of balance, varying very slightly between barren locals like cities and deserts and rainforests or ocean terrain

Ocean currents are the cause of ice ages as well. as the planet heats up, the ice caps melt (the 4th ice ages glaciers came all the way south to Oklahoma and Arkansas. it came as south as Dallas Texas, from one mountain range to the other, and is the reason the midwestern plains have such great soil, because the glaciers pushed the rocks and boulders south, what they didn't push were crushed and grinded down. leaving soft, glorious soil... anyways as this ice melts, the Oceans rise...
if you open up a map, and look at the south pacific, you will notice a string of islands from Australia all the way to south America every one of those islands is actually the peak of the worlds largest mountain range... Mauna a Wakea, also known as Hawaii, is almost twice as tall as Everest, but most of the mountain is below, rising up from the deep where the light cannot seep. anyways, this wall of mountains, like the one in the north, impede the flow of the great ocean currents (think the current Nemo rode on in finding nemo, but they're as wide as Australia... the pacific ocean has 3: 2 along the coasts of the continents bring cold arctic water towards the equator, and is why the ocean swimming is always refreshingly cool in the summer... the third in the middle brings warm water to the poles... Now think of them as water from a faucet... and a brush is in that water stream, and norice how the water flows to the sink faster when the comb isn't there? yeah, same concept... when the water currents pass over the mountains (which we call Islands) instead of flowing around them they become a far more efficient liquid cooling system, so efficient, that that cold beach for swimming, turns to Ice water. we call this brief period of about 150 years a cooling phase... it leads into a period of time called an Ice Age. and after that the earth heats up, and the ice melts...
now... ... what moron told you the heating up stops at some point and sold you the lie that Humans are to blame for global warming, and what is it they are after... who is invested (financially) in creating this "green" agenda that scorches the earth black as they burn forests to create wind and solar farms? and how long do you think the carbon cycle will continue if forests do not remove the carbon from the air? carbon that comes from the following sources: Volcanic Activity:68% Lightning storms:17% wildfires:16% Humans and animals: less than 2% and how is deep mining cobalt and lithium(a radioactive material) good for the environment? have you ever seen a windmill graveyard? we are told they last 20 years... but a third of them break within 5 years. hence the giant windmill graveyards... do a google images search on windmil graveyards, its a shocking landfill)
solar panels last around 30 years... ... in perfect conditions... but if it hails at pea size, expect it to lose at least 12% of its power output... if you have marble size hail, expect to lose all of it. turns out that those things are kinda fragile when struck with hammers, too... so naturally, a strong 30mph gust your windmills would love would kick up dust that can reduce effectiveness by 0.3% per gust, which adds up on a windy day... the good news is, gusts typically only do damage a couple times, and then the dust is colliding with dust, not dust covered solar panel...
and snow... well... your panels won't like that at all.

Onok De La Cruz • 7 months ago

I'm glad somebody finally said it. Dudes annoying as fuck with that shit. But it's no wonder. He watches that shitty anime that has it's characters looking fruity as hell like some LGBT+ folks been behind it.

Ivan Tarife • 2 years ago

Eyyyyyyyyyy Kakashi Hatake and Might Guy are on the scene πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

Trooper • 2 years ago

I love B

Tooties • 2 years ago

knowing that blue aura is evaporating sweat is ...0=(--

Mayur Shelarrrrrr • 2 years ago


Tim Dark πŸŒ‘ • 2 years ago

Just shut up, nobody cares about your eyes tobi. We are still gonna win.

buzzthebuzzard • 2 years ago

Guy's fights are always entertaining, this should be good.

Trooper • 2 years ago


Trooper • 2 years ago

8 tails a life saver

mad cabbage • 2 years ago

oh kakashi ...

Tyr Barghest • 9 months ago

It's a shame Guy shouted his kick. He might've caught Tobi if he had stayed quiet.

9:13 WTH

enticeddan69 • 1 year ago

might guy

Aryan Malik • 2 years ago

Bruh the intro is spoiler itself 🀦

Ainz Ooal Gown • 2 years ago
